Most effective treatment for melasma

Most effective treatment for melasma
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If you are looking for the most effective treatment for melasma then you must visit the Royal Derma Clinic, which is located in Dwarka, Delhi.

Melasma Treatment Options:

Topical Treatments:

  1. Hydroquinone cream (2-4%): Reduces melanin production.
  2. Kojic acid cream: Fades hyperpigmentation.
  3. Retinoid creams: Exfoliates skin, and reduces pigmentation.
  4. Vitamin C cream: Antioxidant properties, and brightens skin.
  5. Azelaic acid cream: Reduces inflammation, hyperpigmentation.

Chemical Peels:

  1. Glycolic acid peel: Exfoliates skin, and reduces pigmentation.
  2. Lactic acid peel: Hydrates, and brightens skin.
  3. Salicylic acid peel: Exfoliates, and unclogs pores.

Laser Treatments:

  1. Q-Switched Laser: Targets melanin, and reduces pigmentation.
  2. Nd: YAG Laser: Stimulates collagen, and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  3. Fractional CO2 Laser: Resurfaces skin, and reduces pigmentation.

Microdermabrasion and Microneedling:

  1. Exfoliates skin, and promotes cell turnover.
  2. Stimulates collagen, and reduces fine lines.

Oral Medications:

  1. Tranexamic acid: Reduces melanin production.
  2. Combined oral contraceptive pills: Regulates hormonal imbalance.

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Sun protection (SPF 30+)
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Maintain healthy diet
  • Manage stress

Treatment Duration and Frequency:

  • Topical treatments: 3-6 months
  • Chemical peels: 4-6 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart
  • Laser treatments: 3-6 sessions, 4-6 weeks apart
  • Microdermabrasion/Microneedling: 6-12 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart

Pre/Post-Treatment Care:

  1. Avoid sun exposure
  2. Use sunscreen (SPF 30+)
  3. Moisturize and hydrate skin
  4. Avoid harsh skincare products
  5. Follow the practitioner’s instructions


1. Pregnancy/breastfeeding
2. Active acne or infections
3. Skin cancer or suspicious lesions
4. Certain medical conditions (e.g., porphyria)

Contact us:

Call us:ย +91-9453090303, ย +91-8920598740
Address: Dwarka Sector 7, Dwarka Sector-8

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